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Become our Patron!

In addition to a tier that gives subscribers access to STVPlus.com and our ratings, we also have a lower paid tier that allows for ad free access to SpoilerTV.com (and Premieredate.news) as well as a bi-weekly newsletter.

Instead of doing a "Buy me a Coffee" or asking for donations through Patreon, we are offering you something in return.

For those of you that are not interested in TV ratings, you can still support us at a lower scale and receive the benefits. Basically, you help us produce the content that we do and help to keep the servers running. Ideally, with enough subscribers, we can produce more news-style content and deep episode reviews.

Lastly, all subscribers will receive an in-depth bi-weekly newsletter as well as giving you access to SpoilerTV.com and its sister site Premieredate.news totally ad free.  This newsletter will have more thorough writings from our staff and exclusives.

We really appreciate you considering to become a subscriber.  It means the world to us.